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About Robustness Reports (Training)

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Editorial procedure
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Robustness Reports is a multidisciplinary journal that aims to complement published high-profile empirical findings with so-called robustness reports: concise reanalyses of the original findings using an alternative analysis methodology. The journal also offers the original authors the opportunity to respond to the reanalyses.

Robustness reports are limited to 500 words and one display element, with additional material presented as online supplements. When an original article is selected as potentially interesting for a robustness analysis, at least two independent robustness reports are required: a proper assessment of robustness generally requires more than a single reanalysis.

The editorial college is responsible for ensuring sufficient statistical diversity in the robustness reports. Potential authors may suggest an empirical finding for a robustness analysis, and may suggest particular analysis teams (including themselves). However, it is ultimately the task of the editorial college to invite specific teams to contribute a set of robustness reports that is both comprehensive and diverse. Therefore, publication in Robustness Reports is by invitation only.

All reanalyses must be fully reproducible and share the corresponding code and data in a FAIR repository. The reanalysis authors might choose to supply the original findings with additional data, which also need to be made publicly available.

Submissions to the Robustness Reports have to meet our highest editorial standards, and are subjected to our most stringent form of open peer-witnessed refereeing.

Implementing Genuine Open Access, Robustness Reports is a publishing venue in which uncompromising scientific quality meets the highest achievable standards of accessibility.


Robustness Reports publishes robustness reports of high-profile empirical findings across a wide range of empirical disciplines, including but not limited to psychology, neuroscience, medicine, economics, and physics.


The journal publishes robustness reports and the original authors’ responses to those reports.

Each robustness report consists of the following sections:

  • A Goal section outlines the rationale of the reanalysis (e.g., the question that the reanalysis is trying to address).
  • A Methods section provides the necessary background information about the reanalysis.
  • A Results section describes the main outcomes of the reanalysis.
  • A Conclusion section compares the results from the reanalysis to those from the original analysis and assesses the degree to which the reanalysis corroborates or undercuts the conclusions from the original analysis.
  • A Code and Literature section includes a link to a public repository that contains the code used for the reanalysis. This public repository may also contain a more extensive version of the robustness report. This section can of course also be used to refer to relevant methodological literature.

Robustness reports are limited to 500 words (excluding the Code and Literature section, figure/table captions, and the title page) and one display element (table/figure). Additional details should be presented as online supplements. The original authors’ response is also limited to 500 words and one display element, but need not feature the sections outlined above.

The tone of a robustness report needs to be constructive and professional.

Acceptance criteria

Text before the list(s)

First section
  1. First criterion
  2. Second criterion
Second section
  1. First criterion
  2. Second criterion

Submission and Editorial Process

Robustness Reports only accepts invited robustness reports. Please contact the editorial college with suggestions for target articles and potential reanalysis teams.

Initial submission can be an unformatted pdf, however, resubmissions must use the Robustness Reports LaTeX Template <link>.

Authors should follow the authoring guidelines to ensure seamless processing of their manuscript. The SciPost Journals Terms and Conditions apply to all Submissions to Robustness Reports (Training).

All incoming Submissions are thoroughly checked for plagiarism, and follow the peer-witnessed refereeing procedures outlined in Editorial procedure.

Minimal number of reports: at least 1 substantial report must have been received; all points raised must have been addressed either in resubmissions or in author replies before a recommendation for publication can be formulated.

All publication decisions are taken by the Editorial College (Robustness Reports), following the rules set out in the Editorial College by-laws.

Accepted submissions benefit from our top-quality production process, and from our industry-leading metadata handling facilities.

Genuine Open Access

Publications in Robustness Reports (Training) are Genuine Open Access. Take the time to understand what this means, and how we compare to other publishers. We do not profiteer from you or your contributions in any way. We are truly run by and for the academic community, entirely not-for-profit and without any competing interests.

As authors, you retain your copyright: all articles are published in your name under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License, allowing freedom to use, reproduce and distribute the articles and related content (unless otherwise noted), for commercial and noncommercial purposes, subject to the citation of the original source.

There are no subscription fees, nor are there Article Processing Charges (APCs). By publishing with us, you are contributing to implementing a healthier business model for academic publishing.